Nigle Farage walks to the podium with his eyes shut
Two pale boys at the UKIP conference
Anti-fascist rally Cable Street
Amy and Shelby Tebbet at the Alperton Fair
Frank Ayers Fairground
Man in top hat tries to photograph Margaret Thatcher's funeral with phone
Patriot holds magazines at funeral
Chilcott enquiry
Flagmen battle on a rainy night outside the Royal Albert Hall
Worried girl cuddles dog at demonstration
Man Shouts at anti Fascist rally
Ukip Delegate
UKIP Delegate
Trump and UKIP supporters
Man dressed as Captain America takes selfie in front of men dressed as Anarchists
Muslim lady photographer
Poodle 45
Anarchist's cigarette


In fact, the most likely reason why so many of us care so little about politics is that modern politicians make us sad, hurt us deep down in ways that are hard to name, much less talk about.